Friday, 27 April 2012

Daisy and Petunia's Amazing Road Trip

Well, it's been a pretty crazy time of lambing at Hill Giant Farm lately. So busy, we haven't had time to update. We've had a number of deaths on the farm as a result of pneumonia and the cold, damp weather. However, we've also had some real success stories too. On Sunday April 22, we had 15 lambs born between 1:00 and 11:00 p.m. It was a baby boom to say the least! Two of our favourite lambs at the moment are Daisy and Petunia our bottle babies. We feed them both 4 times a day and they are growing to be big and strong. On Thursday, Daisy and Petunia went on a fabulous road trip to M's work. Below are some photos of the journey for you to enjoy.

Daisy and Petunia ready and waiting at the door for their great adventure.
All bundled up in the car. What's with all that rain?
Petunia making friends. They were wildly popular with all of M's coworkers and with
the various people who came into her work on Thursday.

Taking a ride on the chair cart. Shortly after this photo, Petunia jumped out of
their bucket. Daisy knows a good thing when she sees it, so she stuck around
for the ride.

With the addition of Daisy, Petunia, and the various other lambs born lately, we have a total of 26 lambs at Hill Giant Farm. Our barn is noisy, but the lambs sure are cute!

Sunday, 22 April 2012

A Sermon for Earth Day 2012

Today is Earth Day. To celebrate and honour Earth Day, we are happy to share M's sermon, based on the following Scriptures; Genesis 3:8-19, Isaiah 11:1-9, Romans 8:18-27

This Sunday marks the 42nd year of people celebrating Earth Day. Earth Day was founded in 1970 as a day of education and awareness about environmental issues. Since it was first introduced, Earth Day has found its way into schools, families and churches. This is as it should be, for the focus of Earth Day on care of creation is something that each one of us, and especially us as Christians, must give thought, attention and time to. So, on this 2nd Sunday after Easter, we will consider why the events of Easter are significant, not just for us but for all of creation, and why that should matter to us today.

The most significant result of Easter is redemption and renewal; the idea that because of the resurrection of Christ we can be forgiven for our sin and will eventually be completely changed and transformed into the likeness of Christ. In the ministry, death and resurrection of Christ, God displayed  his kingdom on earth as it is in heaven. As we look around us we know that things are not as God intends them to be. We believe and hope, therefore, that God will do something about this.

In the story of creation, God in his love and grace gave to humanity all of the earth to care for and enjoy. God commanded humanity to rule over creation on his behalf, linking the fate of the world with the way in which we rule over it. The actions of humanity, will, and do affect the creation around us. The curse that God delivered in Genesis has 3 parts. The first affects the serpent who is cursed to crawl on his belly and becomes the enemy of humanity. The second affects Eve and her descendents promising that childbirth will now become an incredibly painful experience. The third part affects Adam. It is interesting how this curse begins, “Cursed is the ground because of you; through painful toil you will eat of it all the days of your life.” The curse laid down for Adam is that the earth and the land itself will now be cursed, it will no longer remain in its original and intended state. Even more, the earth is cursed because of the actions of Adam- not as a result of anything it had done. Prior to the emergence of sin, the earth easily and bountifully produced food, it was not prone to drought or thorns or death- indeed it could not have been, for death was not present in the world prior to the first sin. One of the fallouts from original sin was that humanity would now have to toil and sweat in order to feed itself. The creation as a whole was harmed by that first sin. So the world is subject to frustration and is in bondage to decay. Just as the original actions of Adam and Eve affected creation negatively (vs. the positive affect we were to have on it), so our actions since, often based in the sin of selfishness also continue to affect the earth in negative ways. In the Genesis 3 account of the entry of sin and its effects into the world we clearly see that because of the sins of humanity-men and women, and the whole creation, need to be redeemed and transformed by God. The freeing, redeeming and restoring events of Easter then; those very events that enable us as humans to gain new life and to look forward to a time when we will be fully restored, are equally important for the earth. We must broaden our view of sin and its effects in the world and ensure that we recognize how human sin- past, present and future- effects all of the created order.

Chemical Valley, Sarnia, Ontario
Romans 8:19-23 are significant verses that highlight again the suffering of humanity and  the earth because of sin.  These verses immediately follow a discussion on suffering for the sake of Christ in which Paul urges believers to invest a little, to risk a little in this life, in order to gain a lot. It is clear in 8:19-23 that what we stand to gain at the end of the sufferings we now endure because of our own or others sins,  is the redemption of the whole of God’s creation. Genesis 3 and Romans 8 together invite us to consider how we see the world groaning as a woman in labour? The earth was created and given to us for our enjoyment and sustenance, but when we abuse that creation, we are not sustaining it- we cannot simply do as we please with the earth. It’s not ours, and it’s not unbreakable. But, there is good news.

Hicks- Peaceable Kingdom
The good news Paul announces in Romans 8 is that because of Christ’s resurrection and his promised return, humanity will be made whole again. But not only that, because of the events of Easter and Christ’s promised return, the created order will also be set right by God at the end of this age. No longer will creation punish and work against human beings. No longer will species have enmity between them. Creation, itself the victim of something for which it was not responsible, will finally, with the transformation of reality, regain its original goodness. This will be the sign of God’s Kingdom finally fully on earth as it is in heaven. The prophetic words of God declared by Isaiah in chapter 11 give us a glimpse of what things will be like when God’s perfect reign is fully in place.  An end to fear and dissonance, a reign of perfect peace, of justice and righteousness. The most helpless and innocent will be at ease with those who were formerly the most violent. In an extended figure of speech, Isaiah makes a single overarching point, that in the reign of Christ the fears associated with insecurity, danger and evil will be removed, not only for humanity but for the world as well. Our hope and creations hope lies in the promise of the fulfillment of the Kingdom of God.

While this future hope is encouraging, we must also acknowledge that the work of God’s Kingdom and this work of healing, restoration and new life has already begun. Through the ministry, death and resurrection of Jesus Christ, God has revealed to us his intentions to restore all things. But we also must acknowledge that not all of God’s plans for redemption were fully realized in Christ’s first coming. Nature still has not returned to its intended balance and harmony. While we confidently believe in the full restoration of all things, we also must consider what we are to do here and now, and how it is we are to act towards creation as we await its redemption.  

As Christians, our lives are filled with great purpose as we seek to live out the principles of God’s kingdom on earth NOW as we anticipate its final arrival in the FUTURE.  Too often within the Church we have undervalued, sidestepped or inadequately considered God’s intention to redeem and glorify all of creation. There are many Christians who view care for the earth and concerns for its wellbeing to be of no significance to the living out of a Christian life. Many accuse Christians who are ecologically minded of being “politically” driven, or radical. However, a careful reading of Scripture and the care for all of creation that is found from beginning to end, as well as the inclusion of the whole earth in God’s glorious plan for the future, indicate that serious Christians cannot be indifferent about how we treat the earth.

G.K. Chesterton, the well known preacher, once referred to creation as our sister, someone or something deserving of our care, respect and affection. It is a wonderful analogy, far more powerful than the popular societal analogy of the earth as our mother. It is God who has given life to both creation and to humanity as part of it. In this way we are more akin to siblings. Because we can see in Scripture that God cares about our sister creation, we cannot afford to neglect or ignore her. Because she is our sister, we ought to desire to see her redeemed and restored as much as we long to see ourselves fully redeemed and transformed. Until that final transformation is possible, we must ensure that we are good siblings, that we take care of our sister, creation; not because of a political view or ideology, but as the result of a theological belief that part of how we live out a full life, is to care for God’s creation. As Psalm 24 reminds us, “the earth is the Lord’s, and everything in it.” We must therefore consider our attitude and actions towards it. 

A number of years ago, St. Andrew’s adopted a series of Core Values- principles that emphasize what is important to us as a community. One of these core values stated a desire to do things in an environmentally sustainable way. Because  we believe that God invites us to care for creation,  because we love God and he loves the earth, we do our part as best we can as a congregation; striving to reduce our garbage, recycling as much as possible, composting, generating solar electricity, refusing to use styrofoam cups or to purchase plastic water bottles, installing low-flow toilets, using environmentally friendly cleaning products as far as public health allows. These are just some of the ways we care for creation in obedience to God. However, our faith is lived in out in many places outside of the walls of this building. The challenge for each of us, as those striving to live our lives in faithfulness to God and his intentions, is to determine what it is that we will do to care for creation. We must examine what our own attitude is towards environmental concern and care and judge whether or not it is in line with God’s divine plan to fully redeem his creation, because he loves it. For some of us, there will need to be changes in attitudes towards the created world. For others, there will need to be drastic changes in how we live. For each of us there will certainly need to be confession for the various ways we have intentionally and unintentionally abused the earth. The earth is cursed because of our sin. Let us do the best we can to limit the effects of that sin by being Christians who care for creation in real and practical ways, today.
As the Church of Jesus Christ, we look forward to the kingdom that God has promised. We wait for God’s new order that will free our world from sin, sickness and evil. We long for the time when God will again look upon his whole creation and declare, it is good. In the meantime, we work to preserve and care for that creation. We actively seek to limit the effects of our own sinfulness upon the earth. We stop exploiting and begin loving the earth as a sister. May we not be deaf to the groanings of creation. May we not be afraid to act to ease her pain. May we not lose sight of God’s future plan for all of the created world and may we live, each day, in eager anticipation of the day when all things will be made new, healed and restored. Amen.

Thursday, 19 April 2012

Cheddar Beer Bread

In honour of R's birthday, we're posting one of his favourite recipes. We got this recipe from M's coworker and it's been a favourite ever since. Mmmmm, you gotta try it!

 Ingredients: 3 cups of flour
1 cup of cheddar cheese shredded
 3 Tbsp. sugar or sugar substitute
1 Tbsp baking powder
 1Tbsp salt
1 can of dark beer- Guiness or Rickards are our favourite

 In a large bowl mix the dry ingredients together. Add in the cheddar cheese. Gradually stir in beer until batter is moist, but not runny. Place in a greased bread pan. Drizzle with melted butter.
 Bake in a 375 degree oven for 35-40 minutes.

 Like we said, it's delicious. You've really gotta try it!

Sunday, 15 April 2012

2012 Lambing Report- Part 4

Today was definitely the busiest day we've had lambing. A total of 7 lambs were born today, 2 sets of twins and a set of triplets. The first set of twins were rams and were born this morning. The mother took to one fine, but we had to coax her into accepting and feeding the second. Several times we came into the barn to find she'd kicked him out of the pen, but as of 9:30 tonight, she seems to have accepted him.

After doing several other chores and feeding Daisy, we returned to the barn to find 5 brand new lambs, still wet, calling like crazy for their mothers. It was a busy few moments as we didn't have any more bonding pens to put the new lambs and their mothers in. So, our "oldest" lambs (4 days and 2 days) got tagged, needled and elastics to dock their tails and were sent out into the "big pen" with their mothers and everyone else. It's neat to see how quickly they and their mother can find one another even in the big flock just by sound. Tomorrow the first chore after feeding will be to build some more pens.

There was no time to take pictures today. Tomorrow we'll try and post a pic of the lambs with their tags- very cute!! Counting the twin females, twin males and triplet males born today our grand total for lambs this week is 13; 9 rams and 4 ewes. Stay tuned for more excitement in the days to come!

Saturday, 14 April 2012

2012 Lambing Report- Part 3

Daisy under the glow of the heat lamp.
Lots of work on the farm today.

 Sometimes when a ewe is having a large lamb or multiple births and space is running out in her uterus, she will have something called a prolapse. Basically, her insides start pushing out. On Tuesday R had a ewe prolapse. Along with his brother, R managed to get everything back inside (with surprisingly little difficulty- sometimes it can be quite difficult) and made a harness for her so that it wouldn't happen again. Today, she lambed, giving birth to a set of triplet ewes .Unfortunately, one triplet was a still birth. The second was strong and healthy; quickly up and drinking, calling, lots of life. The third one needed to be brought into the house and put under the heat lamp. She wasn't doing very well, was developing signs of hypothermia and couldn't drink on her own. So, M brought her into the house and set her up under some heat and began bottle feeding her. 4 feedings a day for the first week. The primary concern today, after getting her warm, was making sure that Daisy (the ewe lamb) got enough colostrum. Colostrum is the first milk produced by a ewe after she has lambed out. It is important for lambs to get some because it contains antibodies and helps them to fight infections. We tried to get Daisy to drink from her mother, but she wasn't up to it. Next, M tried to milk the mother, and was promptly kicked- so that didn't work. Luckily, you can purchase colostrum at your local feed store. Three feedings and 14 hours later, we're pleased to report that Daisy seems to be doing well. She is now standing on her own and calling or baaing at us. But, experience has taught us that anything can happen in the first 36 hours, so she's not out of the woods yet. We'll do our best and hope she continues to get stronger.
Moving the seed drill off the trailer.
In other news, R and our friend went to pick up the seed drill mentioned in our Frugal Friday post on Kijiji. Thank goodness for neighbours! We have a neighbour with an excellent tilting trailer that he let us borrow. Now that the seed drill is bought and picked up we'll be all set to plant. We have a bit of field soil preparation to do- discing and picking stones, but by the beginning of May we hope to be planting. Our intention is to plant mixed grain (oats and barley) under-seeded with Timothy-Alfalfa-Red Clover hay. When we combine the grain off the straw that's left will include some hay and will prepare the field to be a strong hayfield next year. Another step towards                  
                                                                                       being self-sustaining at Hill Giant Farm.

Thursday, 12 April 2012

2012 Lambing Report: Part 2

Today's lambs looking for their first drink.
We had a very pleasant surprise when we went out to the barn this morning. We found that another ewe had successfully delivered twin rams. They were so new that they were still wet and Mom was just beginning to lick them off. Once safely in the pen they were quite quick in figuring out which end and part of Mom the food comes from. For her part, she is a very protective mother, who is quite sure that we don't really need to pick up the lambs and check them over. 

This brings our lamb total for 2012 to 4 rams. Good news for a couple more lamb customers!
Have any questions about lambing? Feel free to ask in the comments section and we'll answer them promptly.
Two day old lambs.

Tuesday, 10 April 2012

2012 Lambing Report- Part 1

After over a week of looking like they might burst, the sheep at Hill Giant Farm are finally lambing. Our first pair of twins arrived this morning just before lunch. Twin rams- good news for two Hill Giant Farm lamb customers! Stay tuned for more updates and tallies as the fun continues. Interested in being a lamb customer? It's easy. Just email us at

Saturday, 7 April 2012

Symbols- An Important Part of Life

M recently had the privilege of accompanying her grandmother, Della, to a family wedding in B.C. over the Easter weekend. It was a great experience. The weekend wedding was full of symbols; bread, water and salt to symbolize Father, Son and Holy Spirit. The presenting of gifts between families to symbolize unity of two people becoming one. An odd number of roses in each vase to symbolize that the wedding is a happy occasion. These are just a few examples. On its own, Easter weekend also uses many symbols; bread and wine to remind us of Christ. A crucifix to remind us of the cost of our sin. An empty tomb to remind us of hope and the promise of lasting and eternal life. Chicks, bunnies, flowers and eggs can also remind us of new life, possible because of the events of Easter. We use symbols all the time to signify importance and to give meaning to our lives. What symbols have the most meaning in your life? Tell us, we'd love to hear from you.

Monday, 2 April 2012

Mmmm Monday: Oatmeal Pancakes

As the Spring arrives and the weather warms up the trees will begin to run with sap. It's the time of year when freshly collected, freshly evaporated maple syrup becomes available at small maple syrup festivals all over Ontario. Yum!! If you've never had fresh, real maple syrup, we encourage you to splurge and get some this year. You won't regret it. It's absolutely delicious! The problem is, you can't just sit down and eat a big bowl of syrup. We have a solution, one of our favourite recipes here at Hill Giant Farm- oatmeal pancakes. They're simple, they're fast, they're nutritious and they're delicious. The recipe is found below.

1 1/4 cups quick cooking oatmeal
1 cup plain yogurt
1 cup milk
1 tsp honey, sugar, or syrup
1/4 cup white flour
1/4 whole wheat flour
1 tsp baking soda
1 tsp salt
2 large eggs, beaten
1/4 cup walnuts (optional)

In a large bowl, combine oats, plain yogurt, milk, and honey/sugar/syrup. Stir in flours, baking soda and salt. Add beaten eggs and mix well. If using walnuts, add them now. Your batter should be fairly thick. If not, add a bit more oatmeal or flour.

Heat a large skillet or griddle over medium heat. Spoon batter onto the griddle- about 1/4 cup per pancake. Cook until the bottoms are browned and the bubbles on top start to pop (about 3 minutes). Flip and cook until other sides are browned (about 2 minutes). Add additional milk if the batter becomes too thick.

Serve hot with: maple syrup, apple sauce, blueberry sauce, fresh fruit, jam, fruit curd, or any other topping you desire. Not able to eat the whole batch? No sweat. These pancakes are delicious cold with jam spread on them and rolled up. An easy lunch to send with the kids, or for yourself.

Nutrition Facts (per 1/2 cup of batter)
Calories: 150
Fat: 2 g
Fibre: 4 g
Protein: 5 g
